Super Bowl Sunday will soon be upon us. Why should you care$%: Because it offers a great excuse to get together with old friends and perhaps meet a thrilling new man!
Super Bowl Sunday is a fantastic day to meet new guys because a) most fellows are itching to watch the game and socialize, and b) you get to see first-hand how a man acts when he drinks -- and how he acts when his team wins or loses. It's vitally important to know these things!
Domestic abuse hotlines report a spike in activity on Super Bowl Sunday, and it's because some males suffer from anger management problems and all sorts of insecurities. They're the very men you want to avoid. By socializing on this High Holy Day of Football, you get to weed out the winners from the losers right away.
Plan to go out to a neighborhood bar with friends (share a cab, so drinking and driving isn't a worry) and join the crowd that's out to watch the game. Or, throw a Super Bowl party of your own and encourage friends to bring their friends.
Super Bowl Sunday is a fun but casual event. If you decide to party at home, invite guests to bring along their favorite dish. At one fest I attended, a guy brought over his famous Mexican pizza. Another guy made Buffalo Wings. People take pride in their cooking, and everyone loves a compliment. Give 'em a chance to get one!
To throw a good Super Bowl party, all you need is beer, food, and a TV. You don't have to decorate. You don't have to dress up. You don't have to put out linen and china. You don't even have to fret about what music to play. It's just you and new and old friends having a blast in comfortable clothes (just make sure that you look fetching in yours. After all, you're the star of the show!).
Gear up for the party ahead of time by making up a simple invitation (type it up and copy it at the office, if you have to). Written invitations tend to be tacked up on bulletin boards and refrigerators. Oral invitations may be forgotten. Bonus: Every time your guests catch sight of yours, they'll look forward to the big event.
If you work in an office, and nobody's handling it already, start a football pool for the big day (as long as it's okay with management). This will allow you to circulate among people you might not ordinarily encounter. Running a pool also establishes you as a positive, pro-active, fun-oriented woman, and who couldn't use a person like that in his life$%:
Super Bowl only comes once a year, so make the most of it. It's a wonderful opportunity to lighten up what otherwise could be another dreary winter Sunday. It may also be your ticket to meeting a man who'll lighten up the rest of your life.